воскресенье, 9 января 2022 г.

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The name of King Yuryaku (457-479) is associated with special concerns about the development of sericulture. According to legend, he allegedly gathered people of the Khata clan who settled in different places, who knew how to get silk threads, and settled them together, ordering them to engage in sericulture and weave silk fabrics. In 472, decrees were issued on the cultivation of mulberry wherever it can grow. And at the same time, it was ordered to resettle the people of the Khata clan again in different places so that they could teach more peasants how to silk weave.

During the years of the reign of the kings Nintoku and Yuryaku, the economy of the country became stronger, the people began to live better. The kings received such great power that the most powerful heads of clans could not interfere with their rule. However, discord gradually began in the royal family. They inspired Matori, a member of the Heguri family, to seize the throne from the ten-year-old king Buretsu (499-506). But the military nobility came out against Matori, and the Heguri clan was exterminated.

In the VI century. the importance of royal power is falling, once again influential elders of the clans are in charge. Lawlessness and strife reign in Yamato. They came to an end after the decisive battles of the Mononobe and Soga houses. The Mononobe warriors were led by the ancestor Moriya, the Soga warriors were led by the sixteen-year-old prince Shotoku-taishi. In the decisive battle, Morya was killed, many of his relatives and supporters were killed, and the survivors were enslaved. Their property went to the treasury.

According to legend, during the battle, Shotoku-taishi's head was decorated with a helmet depicting four kings - guardians of the world who protect the world and people from evil forces. With their images, as well as with other images of Buddhist gods and protectors, the Japanese first met in 552, when the king of the Korean state Paekche sent a statue of Buddha cast in gold to Yamato. He was accompanied by Buddhist monks. The royal court was initially introduced to the new religion. Shotoku-taishi was an adherent of Buddhism and by all means contributed to its spread in the country, hoping with his help to become the arbiter of the destinies of the people.
Military affairs as one of the forms of human activity arose simultaneously with the beginnings of society. Surrounded by a hostile world, primitive people defended their right to exist in the fight not only with wildlife. The contacts of the tribes with the same wary and distrustful neighbors as themselves turned into bloody clashes. The desire to win forced to improve weapons, means of protection, resort to tactical tricks. The rock paintings preserved in the caves testify to the fact that in the Middle Stone Age there was already an idea of ​​the need to divide forces into detachments, which, under the leadership of commanders, coordinated independent tasks in battle: they attacked in the forehead, came from the flanks or from the rear.

For a very long time, from the 9th millennium BC, fortification monuments have been preserved in Palestine - the oldest walls and the tower of Jericho. Weapons and means of protection dating back to the 4th millennium BC were also found there: spearheads and dagger blades, striking parts of maces, battle axes, wide and thick helmet crowns and even shells made of copper ribbons sewn between two layers of skin .

And in the Nile Valley at the end of the 4th millennium BC. the first state formations were formed, later called by the Greeks "nomes", whose warriors fought in shells and covered themselves with shields made of desert lynx skins dried to the hardness of wood. Over time, they abandoned shells, and shields began to be made from cowhides stretched over a frame. The head of each warrior was protected by a helmet-wig made of wool and hair. Their weapons were bows, arrows, spears, darts, various maces, throwing batons, boomerangs, original axes - a metal segment or rectangle inserted into a hole in the shaft and tied to it with ropes or straps.

The Egyptians entered the battle in order, lining up in ranks and stepping in step. A banner was carried in front of the detachment - a pole decorated with ostrich feathers and long fluttering ribbons with a crossbar at the top, where the figure of a local deity was placed in the form of an animal.

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