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вторник, 11 декабря 2018 г.

An eating disorder: how does it look like?

An eating disorder: how does it look like?
Basically, the desire to get the same body as the models from the covers of magazines does not lead to anything good.
According to the World Bank, in North America for example, about 30 million people suffer from eating disorders. Sometimes the symptoms are disguised as healthy habits, and if they are not detected on time, this can lead to trouble. This is what my post is about today.
1. You constantly think about food.
It doesn’t matter if you want to eat every minute or if you just strictly control food intakes – this is the same thing because you constantly think about food. The number of calories, when and how much to eat, and which products are bad for you – if you live that way, then this is one of the symptoms of an eating disorder.
2. You only cook complex dishes for guests
Those who do not allow themselves to eat tasty and special food often show tend to prepare it for other people instead. This is a symptom of eating disorders – if you can spend hours cooking something amazingly tasty for your loved ones, and at lunch you only eat a tomato salad.
3. You are always cold
The body finds it harder to produce heat when the amount of body fat is very low. If you feel cold all the time no matter how covered up and warmly dressed you are, this is one of the signs of having an eating disorder.
4. You spend a lot of time looking for your flaws.
Looking in the mirror is completely normal, only if it does not occur 20 times a day and is not an obsessive thought. A person who suffers from an eating disorder may become obsessed with their appearance and can spend hours searching for flaws.

Intuitive nutrition: seven secrets

Intuitive nutrition: seven secrets
Intuitive nutrition is a system that does not involve dieting or severe dietary restrictions. This principle of nutrition has helped many people to reach their desired shape, get rid of food addictions and “make peace” with food. So, what is this magic method?
For the first time, the concept of “intuitive nutrition” was introduced in 2005 by American professor Steven Hawks, when, after conducting a study on himself, he managed to lose 23kg. Intuitive nutrition includes several rules, but these rules have nothing to do with the rules of diets or other food systems. This is what my post is about today.
1. Learn to feel hunger
Hunger is a condition of the body in which the stomach remains almost empty, requiring new portions of food.
Frequently, people confuse physical hunger with psychological hunger. Indeed, many people are accustomed to eating when they experience some kind of emotional feeling or are with company, that is, during moments when external or internal circumstances force one to eat. But this hunger is always sudden and depends on the circumstances, while physical hunger, which occurs gradually, is accompanied by a rumbling sound and a feeling of emptiness in the stomach.
To recognize real hunger, it is recommended to use a ten-point saturation scale, where 10 points is recognized as strong overeating, accompanied by feeling heavy or even nauseous and 1 point is extremely hungry. Of course, you should never be at the extremes. You can start eating at 4-5 points and finish at 7-8.
2. No diets
Often, diets end in failure and if it is possible to reach the bitter end then there is no guarantee that the lost kilograms will not return. The reason lies in the fact that a person is in disagreement with food and his body. Intuitive nutrition allows you to harmonize these relationships.
3. Stop feeling guilty
You do not need to punish yourself with grueling workouts to not feel guilty about eating one sweet. Listening to what you want at the moment is very important, because, perhaps, the body is experiencing a shortage of some substances and it is what is needed in that moment.
4. Eat slowly
When a person eats slowly, enjoying the taste of food and every bite, the signal of saturation is fed to the brain much faster. With a quick meal, saturation will take much longer, and a person in such a situation will want to eat something else.
5. Don’t tackle your emotions with food
“Sticking” of stress, joy, sadness, of course, has an effect, but not for long. Most often, emotional relief leads to overeating. It is worth trying to find other ways to relieve tension, for example, dancing, sports, a walk in the fresh air or doing your favorite hobby can help.

The benefits and recipes for making the perfect breakfast

The benefits and recipes for making the perfect breakfast
Breakfast, no doubt, is the most important meal of the day. You can sometimes skip lunch or dinner, but breakfast, by no means. This is what my post is about today.
The fact is that during the night’s sleep, our body also actively works and uses up energy, and a full breakfast is needed precisely in order to replenish these energy reserves. In addition, many studies show that people who eat breakfast regularly are sick far less frequently, have stronger immune systems and live longer than those who do not eat breakfast at all. In addition, skipping morning meals significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. A big plus of eating breakfast is that in the morning you can eat almost everything, that is, you don’t need to check the calories or sugar content in foods since it is in the morning that the body should receive approximately 40% of our daily calorie intake.
So what exactly should we eat for breakfast? There are many opinions, one perfect breakfast for everyone does not exist, the most important thing is that your breakfast is healthy, has a high-calorie content and is balanced because it will serve as our energy source for the whole day.
So, we turn to the best options for your morning meal. Many people think oatmeal is an excellent breakfast. It’s true, oatmeal is full of carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, which makes it one of the best options for your breakfast. In addition, it is easily absorbed by the body and does not cause any discomfort associated with the stomach or intestines. People who eat oatmeal on a regular basis are active and energetic, they do not feel hungry for a long time and feel great. Other types of cereals are well suited for breakfast: buckwheat, millet, wheat, corn, because all cereals are carbohydrates and carbohydrates are the main source of our energy. In addition, cereals are very nutritious, because they have many useful substances, they are well absorbed by the stomach and reduce the risk of various diseases.
But not all people are used to starting their day by eating cereal. Many, for some reason, do not like breakfast cereal or do not eat cereal at all. Another good breakfast option would be bacon and eggs or scrambled eggs with vegetables. Eggs are also very beneficial as they are an excellent and affordable source of protein, and in egg yolks a large amount of useful vitamins and minerals that are simply indispensable for our body can be found. Eating an egg or scrambled eggs from two or three eggs gives you a good boost of energy and enough calories for the morning. In addition, scrambled eggs can be prepared very quickly which is also important, since in the morning we are often strapped for time.
As for cholesterol, it is worth noting that recent research has proved that eggs contain good cholesterol which means that it does not harm the body and is not deposited on the walls of our blood vessels. Therefore, eating two eggs a day is absolutely not harmful, and many nutritionists recommend eggs for breakfast.

How does food affect our skin and appearance in the morning?

How does food affect our skin and appearance in the morning?
An experienced doctor, looking at the patient’s face, can tell (with a high degree of probability) what and how a patient eats. This is my post today.
If there is a rash on their forehead then it may mean that the intestines are heavily clogged with food and the alarms begin to ring. They simply cannot cope with digesting so much food. And for girls who are sitting on a non-cholesterol diet, who have excluded fats and oil from the diet, rashes appear on the temples.
The cause? The gallbladder requires oil and fat, it wants to move. The area around the eyes is the area of the kidneys. If less than 2 liters of water enter the body per day, or too much, then the kidneys start to suffer and then swelling will appear under the eyes the next morning. The space between the eyebrows is the projection zone of the liver. Problems with this organ occur when a person eats heavy food, as evidenced by inflammatory processes (acne) on the skin between the eyebrows.
Cheeks show what’s happening in the stomach. It cannot be overloaded. The stomach loves it when a person eats a little, often and only fresh food. But the bright red nose in the morning says that it was not necessary in the evening to drink so much alcohol.
Each of us can look in the mirror at our face and read the signals that the body sends us. From these signs, we can draw some conclusions and make the necessary changes to our diet.
What makes up a healthy menu? What products ruin our skin, and which help us to look beautiful? First about the bad.
– Sweets and chocolate. They provoke rashes on the face and can give us skin problems.
– Fast food. Teenagers’ favourite food. Yes, it is really tasty. But the fat from such foods will gradually lead to skin problems. For example, girls who love french fries often have very oily skin with various kinds of rashes.
– Spices. In small quantities these help to improve digestion. But their excessive use is not the best way to improve the condition of the skin.
– Alcohol. Another enemy of female beauty. A glass of wine is the norm for one day, not every hour.
And what products can be considered to be our assistants? There are a lot of them, but three are the most useful.
1. Tomatoes. These juicy fruits are able to protect our skin from sun exposure, they prevent the so-called photo-aging – permanent damage to the skin by ultraviolet light. Their structure contains a substance lycopene, which is also a powerful antioxidant.

среда, 5 декабря 2018 г.

Beware of nitrates in food!

Beware of nitrates in food!
Imagine a summer morning in a picturesque village. You wake up from the gentle touch of the sun’s rays, the ceremonial crowing of the neighbor’s rooster welcomes you, and your legs are already rushing out of the house towards a new day …
How great it all is! The garden in the backyard is full of bright red cherries, and the leaves of the lettuces and parsley are green … This is a vitamin paradise!
This is what we have in our minds, but, unfortunately, we are led to disappointment. The culprit? Tiny molecules of nitrates … This is my post today.
What are nitrates?
Nitrates are compounds (salts) of metals which contain a residue of nitric acid (HNO3). In solutions, nitrates are, as a rule, represented by negatively charged particles — nitrate anions (NO3–), which contain three oxygen atoms and one nitrogen atom.
It is nitrates that are the main form in which mineral nitrogen is absorbed by plants from the soil. After absorption, nitrates are included in reduction reactions, the purpose of which is to obtain ammonium ions (NH4 +). A simplified diagram of this process is as follows:
NO3- → NO2- → NH4 +
Why precisely ammonium? It’s simple. Recall that proteins, one of the most important classes of organic compounds, are composed of amino acids. Amino acids, in turn, are nitrogen-containing molecules. To build an amino acid and, accordingly, protein, the body needs nitrogen. It so happens that nitrates containing nitrogen cannot be involved in the synthesis of amino acids, but ammonium can. So the plant has to first absorb the nitrates and then turn them into ammonium. Alas, this transformation is not an instantaneous matter; therefore, nitrates can accumulate in the plant’s body, and we, in turn, eat them.
Which are the dangerous nitrates?
Approximately 70% of all nitrates enter the human body from food composed of plants (fresh or canned vegetables) and about 20% with water (especially water rich in nitrates from wells; deep-well drilled water contains much fewer nitrates). The remaining 10% of nitrates a person receives is from animal products and pharmacological preparations. The permissible daily intake of nitrates for a person is set at 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight.
Once in the human body, nitrates are converted into nitrites – particularly dangerous anions that oxidize hemoglobin iron. Oxidized hemoglobin (methemoglobin) is unable to transport oxygen. As a result, oxygen deficiency of tissues and organs (hypoxia) develops and in particular, pernicious hypoxic state for cells of the nervous tissue and heart muscle. The accumulation of 20% methemoglobin in the blood is dangerous to our life. A prolonged continuous flow of nitrates into the human body can cause destructive changes in the heart, kidney damage, and an increase in the thyroid gland can be observed (nitrates reduce iodine). Nitrates contribute to the development of pathogenic intestinal microflora, as a result of which intoxication states develop. Particularly dangerous is the conversion of nitrates and nitrites to nitroso compounds, which are characterized by a strong hepatotoxic and carcinogenic effect and can provoke the development of cancer of the liver, mammary glands, stomach and even leukemia.
How to live with them?
After the information above, it is somehow even scary to eat any products that are plant-based. But still, plants remain the most important suppliers of vitamins, minerals and bioflavonoids, so excluding them from our daily diet is very unwise. What then should we do?
It should be noted that plants, according to the localization of the nitrate reduction reaction, are divided into three main groups. Representatives of the first group of the process of nitrate recovery almost completely takes place in the root system, and ammonium or ready-made amino acids are transported to the part above the ground. These plants are the safest to eat. These include peas, blueberries and some other species. The second group is the complete opposite of the first: they accumulate and restore nitrates in the aboveground part, and ammonium and amino acids (sugar beet) are transported to the roots. Finally, the third group is plants in which the reduction of nitrates occurs equally in both the roots and the leaves. These include cereals and vegetables.
It is also important to note that plants, depending on the species, accumulate nitrates in different quantities. In this case, there is also a three-level classification. Representatives of the first group are species with a high content of nitrates (up to 5 g per kg of plant mass). These include lettuce, cabbage, beets, dill, onion leaves, cantaloupe and watermelon. The second group accumulates nitrates in medium quantities – up to 300-500 mg / kg. This group includes horseradish, cucumbers, carrots, cauliflower, and zucchini. The third group is our favorite because these vegetables accumulate nitrates in minimal quantities (up to 100 mg / kg). They include peas, sorrel, potatoes, tomatoes, and fruit.

Curative effects of apples

Curative effects of apples
In the last decade, many studies have found a wealth of positive effects that apples have on human health. Apples are not delicious but they are also a great fruit to eat for your health. Adding apples to your daily diet is a very simple way to combat oxidative stress, inflammation, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. This is what my post about today.

  1. Antibacterial activity
Apples can have a very strong antibacterial impact against gram-positive bacteria, such as staphylococcus, epidermis, subtilis bacilli and gram-negative bacteria, and proteu myrabilis. In addition to the apples themselves, apple tree bark also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. It was found that both the fetus itself and the cortex inhibit the activity of various bacteria and thus, prevent the occurrence of diseases caused by bacteria and microbes. This property of apples and the tree bark may be associated with an abundance of polyphenols and flavonoids.

  1. Diarrhea and dysentery
Apples are effective against diarrhea. Apples reduce stool wateriness and its frequency. Thus, apples can be used as an effective tool in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery. In addition, apples are also useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids, flatulence and vomiting.

  1. Diseases of the bronchi
Apples have a bronchodilar effect, that is, they reduce resistance to the breathing process and expand the bronchi and bronchioles. This effect helps in easing breathing and reduces the overall stress caused by lack of air.
A recent study showed similar effects when using apple extracts with an anti-asthma drug. The effect caused by the apples is explained by the presence of flavonoids, polyphenols, glycosides, saponins, tannins and alkaloids. Thus, it can be said that apples are just as effective as the medicines used in the treatment of asthma, so people with asthma should eat them.

  1. Liver damage
Carbon tetrachloride is a harmful substance that causes damage to the liver. It produces a lot of free radicals and increases stress due to oxidative stress, which, in turn, causes liver damage.
Studies have shown that apple pulp helps reduce the production of free radicals and reduces overall oxidative stress. This beneficial effect of apples is due to their high antioxidant potential. Antioxidants present in this fruit, remove free radicals and reduce lipid peroxidation (a process in which free radicals cause lipid degradation and, therefore, cause damage).
Apples improve liver function and reduce the level of liver enzymes, which usually increase with liver damage. In addition, apples also showed an increase in antioxidant enzymes and an improvement in the overall condition of the liver cells.

Why does the body need food with a balanced vitamin D content?

Why does the body need food with a balanced vitamin D content?
A person needs a whole range of complex vitamins and microelements for the normal functioning of the body, but some of them play a special role in our body’s vital activity.
Calcium is needed for bones and teeth, without it, the body will not get stronger. In addition, it takes part in the muscles, immune and nervous systems, by contributing to blood clotting. Phosphorus is also necessary for bones and teeth, and for muscles, it participates in the reproduction and division of cells, reduces the likelihood of sand and kidney stones, and is involved in all bodily processes. But the human body is not able to absorb calcium and phosphorus without vitamin D. This is what my post is about today.
Due to a lack of vitamin D, bones become weak, immunity goes down, and a variety of diseases can develop, including cardiovascular and cancerous ones. Its deficiency leads to health problems ending in death.
In many countries, the shortage is compensated by special treatment with ultraviolet rays of some products: milk, mushrooms, cottage cheese, kefir. This allows you to exclude some health problems among the population. Countries are particularly at risk where, due to climatic conditions, there is a clear lack of sun.
It is very important at an early age to give children enough Vitamin D, otherwise, in the first months of life, rickets can begin to develop, leading to serious complications. In adulthood, a person needs 600 IU per day of vitamin D, children need 400 IU, and older people up to 800 IU.
It is possible to provide the body with this substance in several ways: by means of direct exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays, by taking multivitamin complexes, and also by adjusting the diet.
To saturate the body with vitamin D, you need to be in the open sun for about an hour a week, without using protective agents. Ultraviolet rays, reaching the open skin, help a person to synthesize this substance.

Useful properties of ostrich eggs

Useful properties of ostrich eggs
Over the past few years, ostrich eggs have become in demand among the population of Eurasia and America. Some people eat them to be fashionable, and others eat them because of their useful properties. You can buy such a delicacy on special ostrich farms, the number of which grows over the years in almost every city in Europe and Asia. This is what my blog is about today.
Only unfertilized eggs are used for food. Ostriches, as a rule, lay eggs in the warm season, so in winter this delicacy is almost impossible to purchase.
Ostrich eggs have an average weight of 1 to 1.5 kg, which is 30-35 times more than the usual chicken egg. The color of the shell depends on the breed of the bird and varies from pinkish-yellow (in Nanda ostriches) to black-green (in Emus ostriches). The protein has a transparent color, similar to that of other birds, and the yolk is a much richer, brighter yellow.
Like any other eggs, ostrich eggs are rich in protein and fats, which are primarily involved in the building of cells in any organ of the human body. Unlike normal chicken eggs, ostrich eggs are completely devoid of harmful substances, because ostriches are fed with high-quality food and they will not consume contaminated food. A 1600 g egg contains 1 kg of protein and 330 g of fat. One adult person for consumption of the daily rate of the main food components needs 100 g of such eggs.
In addition to the main organic substances, ostrich eggs contain vitamins and minerals. Thus, the average vitamin A content in 1g of an egg is 19 μg, vitamin E – 115-117 μg, vitamin B2 – 2 μg. This is almost 2 times higher than in chicken eggs. Also, ostrich embryos contain potassium (0.5–1 mg per 100 g), phosphorus (1 mg per 100 g), sodium (3 mg per 100 g) and calcium (1.5 mg per 100 g). The calorie content of these eggs is 120-160 kcal per 100g of product, which allows them to be used in various weight-loss programs too.
Ostrich eggs, in addition to their nutritional values, are used as a form of treatment and prevention of certain pathological conditions. Thus, in the cardiovascular system, the positive effect of ostrich eggs is found in the prevention of heart attacks, heart failure, angina pectoris and arrhythmia, atherosclerosis and varicose veins. Ostrich eggs help also to go through the rehabilitation period after the heart attack.
Ostrich eggs are recommended for people with excess weight. Products made from the protein and yolk of this bird allow you to lose weight and keep it off even when the diet is over.
Also, ostrich eggs cleanse the intestines and human blood from toxins and free radicals.

All about avocados

All about avocados
Avocado is a fruit that can help restore health. Regular consumption of avocados can play an important role in the treatment of many diseases. This is what my blog is about today.
Best ways to eat avocados:
Daily avocado consumption is a great way to add vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and dietary fiber to your daily diet. Here are some ways to use avocado:
  1. Just eat it.
  2. Make your own avocado smoothie.
  3. Make an avocado paste and spread it on bread.
  4. Enjoy an avocado milkshake
  5. Try cold avocado soup.
  6. Make your sandwich healthy by adding a little avocado.
  7. Prepare an avocado salad.
  8. Eat it raw, seasoning it with crushed pepper and lemon juice.
  9. Replace mayonnaise with avocado oil.
  10. Replace the mashed potatoes with avocado puree and add some spices to it.
Note: always remember, do not heat or cook avocados. This can lead to the loss of antioxidants and other important nutrients that are sensitive to heat.
Color and appearance:
Avocados are “super foods” that contain many nutrients and provide many health benefits. The fruit is usually oval or pear-shaped. Avocado flesh is yellow in the middle and green near the skin. The peel is dark green. Avocados that are very dark, bordering on a brownish or black tint, are usually overripe. Therefore, when buying an avocado, special attention should be paid to its color. In addition to this, smaller avocados are more wholesome and better than large and bright green fruits.
Avocado has a dark green color with a smooth, pleasant and creamy texture. This natural creamy texture of avocado is due to the presence of fat. The pulp in ripe avocados is very similar to cream cheese. Thus, many dishes can be cooked by replacing cream cheese with avocados. When you eat something oily and creamy, you tend to feel less hungry than usual. In turn, an avocado has an oily and delicate flavor that means it is very filling.
The history and origin of the avocado:
Avocados are classed as tropical fruits because they are grown mainly in tropical areas, especially in hot, humid tropics and semi-tropics.
Avocado derives its name from the Aztec word ahuacatl, which means egg (due to the shape of the fruit).
Avocado, also known as Persea Americana, is a member of the laurel family. Remains of seeds found in ancient settlements suggest that avocado was eaten as early as 8000-7000. BC.

четверг, 29 ноября 2018 г.

Champignons and weight loss: nutritionists’ opinions and recommendations

Champignons have long been attributed as popular products and indispensable ingredients in a variety of dishes. However, it makes sense to ask the question: how appropriate are these mushrooms for diet programs? Their qualities, which make it possible to quickly cope with the feeling of hunger, make it possible to judge mushrooms as diet foods. This is confirmed by other properties. This is what my post is about today.
Champignons are rich in valuable components for the body. First of all, we are talking about vitamins. This applies to ascorbic acid, vitamins Bs, as well as fat-soluble cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol (vitamins from group D). In addition, a large number of fatty acids and a modest content of carbohydrate components in the composition of mushrooms complement their beneficial properties.
Mineral substances, as well as compounds on the basis of which proteins are formed, are also an important component of these fungi. Mushrooms also have a fairly large amount of phosphorus compounds, and this, in turn, gives them the qualities that seafood also has.
Since champignons contain vegetable protein, it is justifiable to include such mushrooms in weight-loss programs for vegetarians too. As a result, the muscles and their tone will receive proper support. This protein serves as a substitute for the proteins that make up meat products.
The content of sugary components in mushrooms is extremely small. As a result – a short list of contraindications to the use of these mushrooms for dietary purposes can be found. Moreover, they can be included in diabetic’s diets too.
Champignons have a beneficial effect on the hair and skin. Thanks to them, skin conditions can often be reduced and the skin’s appearance and color improve. In addition, vitamin B9, a component of mushrooms (also called folic acid), provides powerful support to the immune system and the functioning of the circulatory system, as well as the normalization of hormonal metabolism in women.
Being a low-calorie product, champignons are actively used in the development of diet menus. 100 grams of mushrooms account for about 30 kcal, which is a beneficial effect on the figure. Specially developed weight-loss programs with the participation of these mushrooms, include fasting. A significant share in the composition of mushrooms is water. This figure is close to 85%.
Based on a number of studies, it was found that if you replace a traditional menu with a small portion of mushrooms (it is about 160 grams), then in 30 days you can lose 2-3 kilograms of excess weight. You should not be embarrassed by such a modest portion in volume, since these mushrooms do an excellent job with the feeling of hunger and provide a steady sense of satiety.
The filling feeling that comes from eating mushrooms is achieved thanks to the fiberous nature of the vegetable. In addition, these components contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes. Additionally, energy metabolism is also activated, and the body will not face the problem of the lack of substances required for its vital activity.
As champignons combine well with other foods, they weigh in favor of the inclusion of mushrooms in diets aimed at losing weight. Mushrooms can be found in almost any grocery store, and their cost does not destroy the budget.
As a rule, mushrooms contribute to improving the taste of dishes. Cooking these mushrooms is easy enough, you do not need special skills.
As for the choice of which type of champignons is best for dieting, the prevailing opinion is that it is best to use fresh mushrooms. This conclusion was made by experts who analyzed feedback from people who have tried this weight loss program. However, this condition is not mandatory and strict. You can make a choice to use the frozen version, or use dried mushrooms in cooking. The only disadvantage with this approach would be the loss of flavor, however, the mushroom’s valuable components will remain.

Soy – a natural and affordable nutritional product from the twenty-first century

Soy – a natural and affordable nutritional product from the twenty-first century
Soy is a real wonder food that is cheap compared to other mass food products in the twenty-first century. It is a nutritious source of protein and more. This is what my post is about today.
The best-selling food in the world is soy in one form or another. However, why is everyone so afraid of this word? Is it worth being afraid of?
Soy is a natural product and you should not be afraid of soy. For example, for more than two thousand years it has been the basis of Chinese cuisine.
Fresh or frozen soybeans are good to boil or can be steamed as a side dish. It can also be added to soups. It is proven that the constant consumption of soybeans reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (and significantly).
Soy is often included in the so-called Asian diets. Soybean can even protect against osteoporosis. Soy has great advantages – it protects against colon cancer and breast cancer.
Soybeans are available in dried, canned and frozen form. Soybean milk, soybean powder, soy protein and soybean flour are all in great demand. This product contains a lot of nutrients, as a result doctors recommend including soy in the diet.
Useful properties of soybeans:
1. Soy contains proteins and estrogens – they help the heart and create resistance to cancer.
2. For people with high cholesterol levels, adding soy is mandatory. Soy reduces the so-called bad cholesterol and increases the values of good cholesterol.
3. For those people who have normal or borderline cholesterol (approximately 200), soy helps with cholesterol reduction.
4. Soybean when replacing animal protein in food can prevent clogged arteries.
5. Soy contains vegetable estrogens called isoflavones.