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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком fruits. Показать все сообщения

вторник, 11 декабря 2018 г.

What can be made from bananas?

What can be made from bananas? What health benefits do they have?
How are they best stored?
This is what my blog is about today.
There are several ways to enjoy this delicious fruit:
1. Raw – simple peel the banana and eat it fresh.
2. Make your own chilled banana milkshake – the perfect combination of calcium from milk and various nutrients from the banana.
3. If you do not like milkshakes, enjoy a chilled glass of banana smoothie.
4. Make your fruit salad – combine a banana with other fruits.
5. Eat a peanut butter Banana.
6. Children can eat bananas dipped in chocolate.
7. Make a banana pudding or cream.
8. Add some sliced banana to your oatmeal.
9. Banana is good with a portion of muesli and milk.
10. Make your own banana bars – just combine the banana pulp with your favorite nuts and oilseeds – it might make a great snack.
11. A banana is even an excellent sugar substitute.
12. Use banana puree for baking.
13. You can also replace eggs with banana pulp when baking cakes.
We should also mention the possibility of cooking with banana chips and creating banana smoothies.
To make banana chips, peel and slice 6 bananas. Spread them on a greased baking sheet, then sprinkle with cinnamon and bake for almost 10 minutes in a hot oven.
For the smoothie, take one large banana, chop the fruit in a blender, add 1 tablespoon of honey, add 150ml of a cold bottle and mix thoroughly. Drink before meals once per day.

среда, 5 декабря 2018 г.

Curative effects of apples

Curative effects of apples
In the last decade, many studies have found a wealth of positive effects that apples have on human health. Apples are not delicious but they are also a great fruit to eat for your health. Adding apples to your daily diet is a very simple way to combat oxidative stress, inflammation, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. This is what my post about today.

  1. Antibacterial activity
Apples can have a very strong antibacterial impact against gram-positive bacteria, such as staphylococcus, epidermis, subtilis bacilli and gram-negative bacteria, and proteu myrabilis. In addition to the apples themselves, apple tree bark also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. It was found that both the fetus itself and the cortex inhibit the activity of various bacteria and thus, prevent the occurrence of diseases caused by bacteria and microbes. This property of apples and the tree bark may be associated with an abundance of polyphenols and flavonoids.

  1. Diarrhea and dysentery
Apples are effective against diarrhea. Apples reduce stool wateriness and its frequency. Thus, apples can be used as an effective tool in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery. In addition, apples are also useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids, flatulence and vomiting.

  1. Diseases of the bronchi
Apples have a bronchodilar effect, that is, they reduce resistance to the breathing process and expand the bronchi and bronchioles. This effect helps in easing breathing and reduces the overall stress caused by lack of air.
A recent study showed similar effects when using apple extracts with an anti-asthma drug. The effect caused by the apples is explained by the presence of flavonoids, polyphenols, glycosides, saponins, tannins and alkaloids. Thus, it can be said that apples are just as effective as the medicines used in the treatment of asthma, so people with asthma should eat them.

  1. Liver damage
Carbon tetrachloride is a harmful substance that causes damage to the liver. It produces a lot of free radicals and increases stress due to oxidative stress, which, in turn, causes liver damage.
Studies have shown that apple pulp helps reduce the production of free radicals and reduces overall oxidative stress. This beneficial effect of apples is due to their high antioxidant potential. Antioxidants present in this fruit, remove free radicals and reduce lipid peroxidation (a process in which free radicals cause lipid degradation and, therefore, cause damage).
Apples improve liver function and reduce the level of liver enzymes, which usually increase with liver damage. In addition, apples also showed an increase in antioxidant enzymes and an improvement in the overall condition of the liver cells.

All about avocados

All about avocados
Avocado is a fruit that can help restore health. Regular consumption of avocados can play an important role in the treatment of many diseases. This is what my blog is about today.
Best ways to eat avocados:
Daily avocado consumption is a great way to add vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and dietary fiber to your daily diet. Here are some ways to use avocado:
  1. Just eat it.
  2. Make your own avocado smoothie.
  3. Make an avocado paste and spread it on bread.
  4. Enjoy an avocado milkshake
  5. Try cold avocado soup.
  6. Make your sandwich healthy by adding a little avocado.
  7. Prepare an avocado salad.
  8. Eat it raw, seasoning it with crushed pepper and lemon juice.
  9. Replace mayonnaise with avocado oil.
  10. Replace the mashed potatoes with avocado puree and add some spices to it.
Note: always remember, do not heat or cook avocados. This can lead to the loss of antioxidants and other important nutrients that are sensitive to heat.
Color and appearance:
Avocados are “super foods” that contain many nutrients and provide many health benefits. The fruit is usually oval or pear-shaped. Avocado flesh is yellow in the middle and green near the skin. The peel is dark green. Avocados that are very dark, bordering on a brownish or black tint, are usually overripe. Therefore, when buying an avocado, special attention should be paid to its color. In addition to this, smaller avocados are more wholesome and better than large and bright green fruits.
Avocado has a dark green color with a smooth, pleasant and creamy texture. This natural creamy texture of avocado is due to the presence of fat. The pulp in ripe avocados is very similar to cream cheese. Thus, many dishes can be cooked by replacing cream cheese with avocados. When you eat something oily and creamy, you tend to feel less hungry than usual. In turn, an avocado has an oily and delicate flavor that means it is very filling.
The history and origin of the avocado:
Avocados are classed as tropical fruits because they are grown mainly in tropical areas, especially in hot, humid tropics and semi-tropics.
Avocado derives its name from the Aztec word ahuacatl, which means egg (due to the shape of the fruit).
Avocado, also known as Persea Americana, is a member of the laurel family. Remains of seeds found in ancient settlements suggest that avocado was eaten as early as 8000-7000. BC.