вторник, 23 июня 2020 г.

News update 24/06/2020 (788122)

From the middle of the VTII century. with the growth of the power of military governors (jiedushi), the power of the dynasty weakened. An Lushan, a Turk by origin, revolted and declared himself Huangdi. Because of the atrocities of the foreign army of An Lushan, the Chinese population turned against him. He himself died at the hands of the conspirators, among whom was his son. More formidable than the performance of An Lushan, for the power of the Tang house was the uprising of the peasants led by Huang Chao, which began in 874. Coming from a family of a rich salt-worker, Huang Chao proclaimed himself the sovereign of a new dynasty, Great Qi, but was abandoned by the military leaders and put an end to himself in 901

The challenge that the newly-minted "autocrats" like An Lushan and Huang Chao alternately threw to the Tang house turned out to be a harbinger of the imminent death of the dynasty. In 907, a palace coup ended it.

On the ruins of the Tang state, numerous small possessions appeared, the time of their existence, from 907 to 960, was called "five dynasties and ten kingdoms." The peoples neighboring Tang China create their own states. In the west, among the Tanguts, the state of Xi-Xia arises; in the north, among the Khitans, the state of Liao. In the course of internecine struggle, China was united in 979 under the Song Dynasty (960-1279). During her reign, there were unsuccessful wars with the northern neighbors - Liao (Khitans) and Xi-Xia (Tang-guts), - under the terms of contracts with which they had to pay tribute in silk, silver and tea. The first minister of the Sung court, Van Anypi (1021-1085), intended to establish life in the country in a new way. The economic measures he proposed included the implementation of irrigation works (those who did not want to participate could pay off with money or products); allocation of loans to the peasantry; exemption from labor duties; measurement of fields in order to evenly distribute taxes; setting fixed prices for all trade items. Wang Anypi's reform also provided for the reorganization of the army.

Due to the opposition of supporters of the previous order, the transformation of Wang Anypi did not take place. The rulers of the Song dynasty did not enjoy the support of the people and were unable to organize a rebuff to the invasion of the Jurchens, who captured the north of China and founded the state of Jin - Golden (1115-1234). The Sung court moved to the south. There, in the city of Hangzhou, the Southern Song dynasty (1117-1279) was established.

The Song era is known for great inventions that were of great importance in the life of not only the Chinese people, but also of all mankind (printing, gunpowder, compass).

China remained divided until the Mongol conquests. The hordes of the Mongols swept away the Jin state, followed by the overthrow of the power of the Southern Song dynasty. All of China fell under the rule of the Mongol Yuan dynasty (1280-1368).

By force of arms, the Mongols conquered China, but they could not hold on to it. In 1367 the last Yuan emperor Toghon Temur fled from Beijing. Mongol rule in China ended.

Among those who led the Chinese struggle to expel foreign rulers was the Buddhist monk Zhu Yuanzhang. The Chinese army led by him cleared the way for him to the throne of Huangdi and marked the beginning of the Chinese Ming Dynasty, which meant “Brilliant”. It existed from 1368 to 1644. Under the magnificent name there was already another China, much smaller in territory than under the Mongols. Repeated wars with them ended in an unstable truce. Intentions to subjugate Vietnam only devastated the treasury and burdened the population. For many years, the Minsk government fought against Japanese pirates who plundered the coastal regions of China. Once again, China clashed with Japan on the lands of Korea. In 1598, Chinese troops helped the Koreans drive out the Japanese invaders. The war cost China a lot of blood and a lot of money. In order to find them, the government took emergency measures - it ordered the opening of mining operations, to which people were driven by force. In response, protests against the authorities followed.

Dissatisfaction with the rule of the Ming house grew and culminated in a widespread uprising. The main role in it was played by Li Zi-cheng (1606-1645). The village headman, he became a robber and gathered around him desperate rebels, who called themselves "eight kings." Li Zi-cheng eventually found himself at the head of a large popular army and proclaimed himself the first emperor of the new Dai Shun dynasty - "Great Well-Intentioned".

China was overcome by internal turmoil, and the Manchus were inexorably advancing from the northeast, whom the Chinese failed to defeat.

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