понедельник, 10 мая 2021 г.

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U Ayaksa, pomnite, Byl na shchite predstavlen zmey svernuvshiysya, I semero u Fiv takim neye obrazom Shchity snabdili znakami osobymi. Tam mozhno bylo videt' zvozdy s mesyatsem Ili mechi, i fakely, i lestnitsy, Ugrozu gorodov vo vremya pristupa, V rez'be ili v izobrazhen'ye vypuklom. Tak govorit o gerbakh drevnosti i srednevekov'ya Mefistofel' v tragedii Gote «Faust»... Odnoy iz vspomogatel'nykh istoricheskikh distsiplin yavlyayetsya geral'dika — nauka o gerbakh i emblemakh. Komu-to mozhet pokazat'sya, chto dlya istorii geral'dika ne predstavlyayet interesa. Odnako shchitki, kresty, rozetki, devizy mogut, kak svoyeobraznaya vizitnaya kartochka, rasskazat' mnogoye o stranakh, gorodakh, lyudyakh. Khotya slova «gerb», «gerol'd» (sostavitel' gerbov) i zakony geral'dicheskoy simvoliki poyavilis' tol'ko v Sredniye veka, kornyami oni ukhodyat v pervobytnyye vremena. Predshestvennikami gerbov i emblem mozhno schitat' izobrazheniya totemov — zhivotnogo, rasteniya ili predmeta, kotorym poklonyalos' to ili inoye plemya. Naprimer, v mogil'nikakh plemon, zhivshikh na beregakh morey, nakhodyat figurki cherepakhi, nyrka ili del'fina, u plemon stepey — figurki zmei, lesnykh plemon — medvedya, olenya ili volka, schitavshikhsya «predkami» ili bozhestvami. Takoy zhe kharakter nosyat izobrazheniya rasteniy — yeli na Yevropeyskom Severe, olivy v Sredizemnomor'ye, lotosa v Severnoy Afrike i Yuzhnoy Azii. V redkikh sluchayakh simvolami sluzhili predmety nezhivoy prirody, kotorym poklonyalis': meteoritnyy kamen', upavshiy s neba, rakovina. Osobuyu rol' igrali znaki Solntsa, Luny, volny (vody). Podobnyye simvoly sushchestvovali i v drevneyshikh gosudarstvakh, obrazovavshikhsya v rayone rasseleniya togo ili inogo plemeni. Ikh mozhno uvidet' na tablichkakh s pechatyami i pervykh monetakh (s VII v. do n.e.). Tak, na pechatyakh Drevnego Yegipta poyavilis' izobrazheniya bogov i svyashchennykh zhivotnykh; korova — na izvestnoy pechati iz indiyskogo goroda Mokhendzho-Daro. Na monetakh Afin izobrazhali sovu — ptitsu bogini Afiny; Eginy — cherepakhu, Pantikapeya — mificheskogo grifona, stavshego gerbom i sovremennoy Kerchi. Naryadu s etim u grekov poyavlyayutsya izobrazheniya bogov: na afinskikh monetakh — Afina, del'fiyskikh — Apollon (sm.st. «Numizmatika»). Znaki tsarskoy vlasti stanovyatsya simvolami bol'shikh monarkhiy. Naprimer, dvoynaya sekira byla izobrazhena na stenakh dvortsov kritskikh tsarey («Labirint» — v bukval'nom perevode «dvorets dvoynoy sekiry»). Vos'mikonechnaya zvezda vstrechayetsya na lichnykh veshchakh tsarey Makedonii.
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At Ajax, remember, A coiled serpent was presented on the shield, And seven at Thebes in this way Shields were equipped with special signs. There one could see the stars with the moon, Or swords, and torches, and ladders, The threat of cities during an attack, In carvings or in a convex image.

This is what Mephistopheles says about the emblems of antiquity and the Middle Ages in Goethe's tragedy "Faust" ...

One of the auxiliary historical disciplines is heraldry - the science of coats of arms and emblems.

It may seem to some that heraldry is of no interest to history. However, shields, crosses, rosettes, mottos can, like a kind of business card, tell a lot about countries, cities, people.

Although the words “coat of arms”, “herald” (creator of coats of arms) and the laws of heraldic symbolism appeared only in the Middle Ages, they are rooted in primitive times. The forerunners of coats of arms and emblems can be considered images of totems - an animal, plant or object that was worshiped by a particular tribe. For example, in the burial grounds of the tribes that lived on the shores of the seas, they find figures of a turtle, a diver or a dolphin, among the tribes of the steppes - figures of a snake, forest tribes - a bear, deer or wolf, considered "ancestors" or deities. The images of plants are of the same character - spruces in the European North, olives in the Mediterranean, lotus in North Africa and South Asia. In rare cases, objects of inanimate nature that were worshiped served as symbols: a meteorite stone that fell from the sky, a shell. Signs of the Sun, Moon, waves (water) played a special role.

Similar symbols also existed in the most ancient states, which were formed in the area of ​​settlement of one or another tribe. They can be seen on tablets with seals and the first coins (from the 7th century BC). Thus, images of gods and sacred animals appeared on the seals of Ancient Egypt; cow - on a famous seal from an Indian city

Mohenjo-Daro. On the coins of Athens, an owl was depicted - the bird of the goddess Athena; Aegina - a turtle, Panticapaeum - a mythical griffin, which has become the coat of arms of modern Kerch. Along with this, the Greeks appear images of the gods: on Athenian coins - Athena, Delphic - Apollo (see article "Numismatics"). Signs of royal power become symbols of great monarchies. For example, the double ax was depicted on the walls of the palaces of the Cretan kings ("Labyrinth" - literally translated "palace of the double ax"). The eight-pointed star is found on the personal belongings of the kings of Macedonia.
V boleye pozdniye vremena v simvolakh gorodov i gosudarstv poyavlyayutsya izobrazheniya znamenitykh dostoprimechatel'nostey: u Rodosa — Kolossa, Aleksandrii — Farosskogo mayaka i plyvushchego korablya; na monetakh Serdiki (sovremennaya Sofiya) v III v. n.e. — khram Apollona, kotoryy voshol kak odin iz simvolov v sovremennyy gerb stolitsy Bolgarii. Byli v drevnosti proobrazy lichnykh gerbov znatnykh lyudey, o chom ostavil svidetel'stvo Eskhil v tragedii «Semero protiv Fiv»: vozhdi, osazhdayushchiye gorod Fivy, stoyat protiv gorodskikh vorot, podnyav shchity s izobrazheniyami zvozd i mesyatsa, geroya s fakelom, ognedyshashchego chudovishcha Tifona. Simvolom Rimskoy imperii so vremon Yuliya Tsezarya stal imperatorskiy zhezl s figuroy orla (svyashchennoy ptitsy Yupitera). Posle pereneseniya stolitsy v Konstantinopol' v 330 g. imperator Konstantin vvol novuyu emblemu: chornogo dvuglavogo orla na zolotom fone — simvol vlasti imperatora nad Zapadom i Vostokom imperii. Dvuglavyy orol sokhranilsya i kak gerb Vizantiyskoy imperii. V nachale yeyo sushchestvovaniya imperatory pytalis' vosstanovit' Rimskuyu imperiyu, a zatem dve golovy op- la, obrashchennyye v raznyye storony, stali vosprinimat'sya kak simvol geograficheskogo raspolozheniya Vizantii na styke Yevropy i Azii. Vposledstvii ot rimskogo i vizantiyskogo orlov proizoshli gerby mnogikh imperiy: Svyashchennoy Rimskoy (odnoglavyy chornyy), Arabskogo khalifata, Rossii (dvuglavyy chornyy). Ot orla Svyashchennoy Rimskoy imperii vposledstvii «otpochkovalis'» avstriyskiy, germanskiy i ispanskiy (s 1521 g., kogda imperatorom stal ispanskiy korol' Karl V, a yego potomki — vetv' Gabsburgov — ostavili na gerbe Ispanii imperskuyu ptitsu). Ot vizantiyskogo orla pomimo rossiyskogo proizoshol albanskiy, bez imperskikh znakov vlasti, kogtey i raskrytogo klyuva — simvol bor'by protiv turetskogo iga. Zholtyy orol khalifov vozrodilsya v Noveysheye vremya v berkutakh, khalzanakh i sokolakh gerbov ryada arabskikh stran. Yesli v rannem srednevekov'ye v Zapadnoy Yevrope gerbovyye simvoly imelis' lish' u vysshey feodal'noy znati, to v XII—KH1P vv. gerby oformilis' u krupnykh i melkikh feodalov, a k XIV—XV vv. — u gorodov, gil'diy, tsekhov i universitetov. V eto vremya uzhe imelis' lyudi, spetsial'no sostavlyavshiye gerby, — gerol'dy. Oni razrabatyvali printsipy sostavleniya prezhde vsego gosudarstvennykh i lichnykh feodal'nykh gerbov. Samo slovo «gerb» oznachayet po-nemetski «nasledstvo» (Erbe). Iznachal'no gerby pomeshchalis' na boyevom shchite, imevshem razlichnuyu formu: ital'yanskiy — oval'nuyu, normannskiy — treugol'nuyu, frantsuzskiy — pryamougol'nuyu s zakrugleniyem ili vystupom vniz, nemetskiy — vyreznuyu. Chotkuyu simvoliku stali imet' tsveta: krasnyy podchorkival strast' (tsvet ognya), goluboy ili siniy — chest', vozvyshennost' (tsvet vozdukha), purpurnyy — vlast', zelonyy oznachal svobodu (voda), chornyy — postoyanstvo (zemlya), zolotoy (zholtyy) podchorkival znatnost', serebryanyy (belyy) — blagorodstvo. Takim obrazom, pervonachal'noye tolkovaniye tsvetovoy simvoliki bylo uzkofeodal'nym, no vposledstvii znachitel'no rasshirilos', i krasnyy tsvet vosprinimalsya kak tsvet bor'by (krovi), zhizni (solntsa). V etikh znacheniyakh on raneye uzhe ispol'zovalsya narodnymi dvizheniyami na Vostoke (vosstaniye «krasnobrovykh» v Kitaye v I v. n.e., vosstaniye «krasnoznamonnykh» v Irane v 772 g.). Zelonyy tsvet stal tsvetom zhivoy prirody, obnovleniya, nadezhdy, molodosti, siniy — tsvetom mira, chornyy — skorbi, traura (lish' s pozdnego srednevekov'ya), belyy — vechnosti, zholtyy — slavy. Kak pravilo, imenno v etikh znacheniyakh tsveta ispol'zuyutsya v gerbakh i flagakh v nashi dni. Lish' v redkikh sluchayakh dopuskayutsya netraditsionnyye tsveta (naprimer, oranzhevyy tsvet knyazey Oranskikh v Gollandii XVI—XVIII vv.).
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In later times, images of famous sights appeared in the symbols of cities and states: at Rhodes - Colossus, Alexandria - the Pharos lighthouse and a sailing ship; on the coins of Serdika (modern Sofia) in the III century. AD - Temple of Apollo, which entered as one of the symbols in the modern coat of arms of the capital of Bulgaria. In ancient times, there were prototypes of personal coats of arms of noble people, as Aeschylus left evidence in the tragedy “Seven Against Thebes”: the leaders besieging the city of Thebes stand against the city gates, raising shields with images of stars and a month, a hero with a torch, a fire-breathing monster Typhon.

Since the time of Julius Caesar, the imperial staff with the figure of an eagle (the sacred bird of Jupiter) has become a symbol of the Roman Empire. After the transfer of the capital to Constantinople in 330, Emperor Constantine introduced a new emblem: a black double-headed eagle on a gold background - a symbol of the emperor's power over the West and East of the empire. The double-headed eagle was also preserved as the coat of arms of the Byzantine Empire. At the beginning of its existence, the emperors tried to restore the Roman Empire, and then the two heads of the opla, turned in different directions, began to be perceived as a symbol of the geographical location of Byzantium at the junction of Europe and Asia. Subsequently, the coats of arms of many empires originated from the Roman and Byzantine eagles: the Holy Roman (one-headed black), the Arab Caliphate, Russia (two-headed black). From the eagle of the Holy Roman Empire, the Austrian, German and Spanish subsequently "budded" (since 1521, when the Spanish king Charles V became emperor, and his descendants - a branch of the Habsburgs - left an imperial bird on the coat of arms of Spain). From the Byzantine eagle, in addition to the Russian one, came the Albanian one, without imperial signs of power, claws and an open beak - a symbol of the struggle against the Turkish yoke. The yellow eagle of the caliphs was revived in modern times in the golden eagles, khalzan and falcons of the emblems of a number of Arab countries.

If in the early Middle Ages in Western Europe only the highest feudal nobility had emblems, then in the 12th-11th centuries. coats of arms took shape among large and small feudal lords, and by the XIV-XV centuries. - from cities, guilds, workshops and universities. At that time, there were already people who specially made coats of arms - heralds. They developed the principles of drawing up, first of all, state and personal feudal coats of arms. The very word "coat of arms" means in German "inheritance" (Erbe). Initially, the coats of arms were placed on a combat shield, which had a different shape: Italian - oval, Norman - triangular, French - rectangular with a rounding or protrusion down, German - carved. Colors began to have a clear symbolism: red emphasized passion (the color of fire), blue or blue - honor, sublimity (the color of air), purple - power, green meant freedom (water), black - constancy (earth), gold (yellow) emphasized nobility , silver (white) - nobility. Thus, the initial interpretation of color symbolism was narrowly feudal, but subsequently expanded significantly, and red was perceived as the color of struggle (blood), life (sun). In these meanings, it was previously used by popular movements in the East (the uprising of the "red-browed" in China in the 1st century AD, the uprising of the "red banners" in Iran in 772). Green became the color of wildlife, renewal, hope, youth, blue - the color of the world, black - sorrow, mourning (only from the late Middle Ages), white - eternity, yellow - glory. As a rule, it is in these meanings that colors are used in coats of arms and flags today. Only in rare cases are non-traditional colors allowed (for example, the orange color of the princes of Orange in Holland in the 16th-18th centuries).

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